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A Level Chemistry

Overview of the course

The Chemistry course covers all the major aspects of theoretical chemistry, in addition to having a strong practical component. Time in the laboratory is used not only to develop the students' investigative skills but also to reinforce and illustrate key concepts.

The IGCSE course is covered in one year and students study basic concepts of many areas of Chemistry to prepare them for the AS and A2 material. Students also develop the basic skills to perform experiments, plot graphs and draw valid conclusions.

At AS level, students take Theoretical Chemistry; Physical Chemistry; Organic Chemistry I/II and Inorganic Chemistry.

At A2 level, students learn more in-depth material with topics such as Thermodynamics, Equilibria, Kinetics, Electrochemistry and Aromatic Organic Chemistry.

In the final part of their course students look at some important areas in which chemistry is being used to enhance our lives; in biological systems and medicine, in analysing and designing new materials and in monitoring and protecting the environment.

Chinese students generally have high levels of numeracy but less developed practical skills. They also need support in applying their knowledge to new situations. The Chemistry scheme of work has been developed to take these factors into account. In many centres students spend much of their time in the laboratory, whilst the classroom teaching affords ample opportunity for learning through discussion, group work and demonstration. The scheme of work provides PowerPoint presentations, student notes, laboratory worksheets and other resources which can be adapted to meet individual needs. Assessment materials are provided at regular intervals throughout the academic year.